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Prime Suspect

One thing that has kept the first series of Prime Suspect from below into mediocrity: Maria Bello. I've never met someone who wanted something so bad. Bello, Jane Timoney is able to follow the guys and beat them at their own game to be a detective in New York.

Person of Interest

Been there, done that "Person of Interest" feeling going on, most of the series, which begins today, but no. This drama from CBS,Person of Interest, from 9 in the former "CSI" slot, offered Jim Caviezel is training as a former CIA agent who, tormented by the past, was a wanderer drank heavily in the New York subway. The good news is that the agent has not lost his skills in martial arts and Caviezel cleans very well.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Green Lantern

Green Lantern
In the new film, Green Lantern, yellow is the color of fear. Green is the color becomes.

So, what color of boredom?

Well, green and yellow is a good start.

This is the third film in the summer comic, but hardly the last. I know that the need to view the current list of options, so readers know where something in the ranks. Because in reality - most of these films can not really fault any scale, except that: Well, it was better than the last?

But no need to do that, because Green Lantern is the least interesting and the actor responded to date. Thor and with much less - and must not even speak the same sentence as the X-Men: First Class.

Green Lantern is suffering from a terminal case of the original OSI, the disease infects the superhero movies need to explain the origin of a character. These films tend to putter around the majority of films just waiting to see the main character is called the hero in themselves. Yes, certainly, it was chosen for one reason or another - but do not really believe it until it was almost too late. Almost.

At this point, but it is too late for the general public. In the case of Green Lantern, you get an hour and 45 minutes of foreplay, then 15 minutes of action. Of course, there are times that threatens the pleasure at first - but the film by Martin Campbell (from a screenplay by four authors in Dawson Creek by Greg Berlanti) never threaten to pop his cork for good.


Wells Fargo Bank Championship, not just the only professional golf event sponsored Carolinas.

RBC Bank announced a plan Thursday afternoon, one of the sponsors of the tournament is played annually Heritage in Hilton Head, South Carolina, according to the results of golf, golf industry news blog and other Canadians. Raleigh-based RBC is the U.S. subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada.

Golf score has said the case is called the Heritage Classic RBC. Not good in 2012, a week after the Masters.

Heritage, a popular event on the PGA Tour, has not been a major sponsor of this year. Sponsors of the past have included Verizon and WorldCom.

Nikki Haley, SC Governor should be a "significant statement" in the Hilton Head tournament later.

The timing is interesting news because Bloomberg said RBC Bank is in the block for sale. In this case, the issue will undoubtedly continue if the name RBC Bank will continue to participate in this tournament. BB & T Corp. and PNC Financial Corp. has been rumored as suitors.

In Charlotte, the Wachovia Championship has left the name of the bank for two years after Wells Fargo bought Wachovia in 2008. It has since been renamed the Wells Fargo Cup.

Toddlers and Tiaras

Toddlers and Tiaras
Another night of reality television. SYTYCD Top 20 films in competition, the kids again and tiaras, crowns Top chef Rocco DiSpirito a winner and a dinner. TV Land has the first two comedies, too. This is what's on TV Wednesday.

First, if you think you can dance on stage (yay!) and the top 20 when the concert stage after the concert last week. Joining Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy of the jury this week, Megan Mullally, could be fun. Kellee Knowles has all the information in its summary, if you can not do the show Fox 20:00.

TLC, which opens the fourth season of toddlers and tiaras with an episode entitled "Universal confrontation final tax." Two young children - a single party. Somehow, I think the real show will be much more terrifying. Fang carnage at 22:00.

Hot Cleveland back to TVLand second half of season two. Subsequently, a new set of happiness divorced, was comedy based on the life of Fran Drescher made her debut. Comedy departure time 22 hours.

Finally, Bravo says goodbye to the culinary competition and says hello to another. At 22 hours, the Master Top Chef and the last three or four courses to serve the meal, but once again the previous failure. At 23 hours, the Dinner Party leader Rocco intact features theme nights Rocco DiSpirito and his friends. Theme of the ban.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Act Test

Act Test
In one corner mestizos Shreveport, Louisiana, a small group of white voters protested loudly this year, not wanting to be part of a district mostly in black, when the legislature redrew the political boundaries of the state. Respect State Legislature led by Republicans, draw a line around the community to welcome them.

This line is at the heart of the Department of Justice is considered a critical test of how the administration interprets the law Obama's controversial vote, which establishes the new wave of reorganization plans.

The law was passed in 1965, was also designed to prevent lawmakers to weaken the voting power lines of the white minority district can attract. More than a dozen states, including Louisiana, are necessary because of their history of discrimination to eliminate its reorganization plans in court.

But some state legislators, many of which the Republican majority said they do not trust Obama administration to evaluate their cards fairly. This is the first time since the adoption of the Law on Human Rights to adopt a Democratic administration in the White House after a census every ten years when the state legislators to redraw local boundaries, provincial and Congress.

A court decision in the coming weeks by side with the state or civil rights activists against a map of Louisiana will signal how the administration can go to protect minority rights in the review of plans of other states must obtain a permit, including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.

Officials from the Department of Justice that their decisions will be made on the basis of law and facts, not politics.


Actor Colin Firth, who won an Oscar for his role as King George VI critically acclaimed film of stuttering, the king's speech, he was appointed CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for the price of Queen's birthday on Saturday said recognition of his contribution to theater.
Ironically, Firth was not the first choice for the role and who came after him, the only way Hugh Grant refused.
His staging of the fight with the King's speech and how they overcame with the help of a somewhat eccentric Australian speech won him several awards including the BAFTA British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
King George VI was the father of the queen, who suddenly found himself on the throne after his brother Edward VIII was forced to abdicate her decision to marry Wallis Simpson, a socialite, twice-divorced American, in defiance of England Church did not allow the divorced to remarry while their former spouses are alive. He could not stay on the throne if he married Mrs. Simpson.
Firth has obtained cult status among a generation of young women who played Mr. Darcy in the TV adaptation of the BBC in 1995, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. His other movies are Bridget Jones's Diary, and the musical Mamma Mia.

Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci
Today we have the official trailer of "The Whistleblower", with Rachel Weisz, Vanessa Redgrave, Monica Bellucci and David Strathairn. The film takes place in the cinema on August 5 See the trailer below.

Synopsis: Kathryn Bolkovac (Weisz) is a police officer from Nebraska who is thrown into the snake pit of the UN in Bosnia gross regulated. She works in the context of private military companies, training of Bosnian police to restore order in war-torn country. When she begins to impose its new environment and begins to see terrible signs of the underground economy, whose customers are not just a group, but the United Nations as well.

After finding a woman who escaped from a dealer sells sex slaves in brothels man hiding in the region, Kathryn begins to see the sector as a whole, has become in the years after the war. As evidence increasingly showed stressed, is the last thing I expected, there is no way the army and United Nations officials responsible for their actions.


A paradoxical case of censorship of student newspapers at Southern Methodist University. Last week, the CEO of a private university near Dallas removed an opinion article in the issuance of special copy of the Daily Campus, SMU's student newspaper.

Exhibition Theme: lack of transparency and participation of students in the comings and goings of the school board. By Daily Campus interim editor Jessica Huseman, who wrote the piece, told the student news Law Center, "an article on Nixing transparency is not only a bad decision, it is very ironic."

To be clear, an article on the web. It was just a printed version of a problem to publish the guidelines, each summer, and sent to SMU students. The Daily Campus is an independent university, just before the stage of a single administrative declaration frosh year. This is the first time that I got from the song, because this provision was introduced in 2007.

SMU dean of students reported in column SPLC has been censored, because they want students to get a distorted picture of how universities. "


NHS hospitals will save millions by using bar codes to improve the way they pay for products, according to Health Minister Simon Burns.

The system uses a standard GS-1 Barcode Products bring together a number of programs underway to purchase goods, which can lead to differences in the prices paid for similar products.

Calls on the Government to identify and label their products, barcode, GS-1, but not mandating process. He hopes that all objects identified by a bar code or GS-1 at the end of 2012.

The Health Ministry launched a barcode buy SG-1 system soon.

Burns said that the system has the potential to improve patient safety by reducing medication errors, the risk of surgery to mislead and effective monitoring and surgical instruments. This helps to improve the book.

Burns said: "This is an important opportunity to save money to invest in primary care when the NHS is to achieve savings."

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are already using bar codes and said he saved more than £ 500 000 the first year.

By scanning bar codes, when used in cinemas, the system can track inventory and forecast for future orders.


According to preliminary figures, the modest sum of 5,000,000 is raised from the World Alliance Tours were held in seven cities across Canada.
Final walk through Ottawa, Kitchener-Waterloo, Calgary, and is scheduled for Sunday.
Optimism is the easy victory last raised $ 6,000,000.
Montreal, more than $ 150,000 was collected money flow every day.
About 2,000 people took part yesterday in Montreal last Sunday.
It was the day clear, sunny, breezy and perfect.
Among the 27 participants is an annual walk to fight world poverty, was the vice-president of the National Party, Thomas Mulcair, who is a member of Parliament, Outremont Papineau Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, who is also the son of Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
Funds from the World Partnership Walk, an initiative of the Aga Khan Foundation Canada, promoting health, education and rural development and support for community-based organizations, particularly in Asia and Africa.
Last year, more than 40,000 Canadians took part in this popular event, which is now the longest run as a fundraiser in support of global development.
Aga Khan Development Initiatives currently fund over 40 in a dozen developing countries.
Not a penny is spent on administration, which covers the Foundation.
With the help of the Canadian government through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the effect of the funds raised in the country has repeatedly

Robert Bunsen

Robert Bunsen
Now that Google has given a permanent home, every time your fingers are itching, you can scrape Google sketch Les Paul guitar interactively.
Google's popular design was created to commemorate the anniversary of 96 country and jazz guitarist, composer and inventor Les Paul. This Doodle received special treatment from Google. She first extension that his presence on the first page of Google, and now has its own URL:
While most Google doodles to disable the site to find a resting place in Google logos collection. Les Paul is only the third Google Doodle Doodle to have an independent firm of Google's online library where it can be seen in its full interactive. The first was PacMan Doodle ( / pacman /) from May 21, 2010 and the second is Robert Bunsen Doodle ( / logos / bunsen.html) of 31 May 2011.
Google Doodle in honor of Les Paul will be playable by clicking the cursor to doodle, and even a computer keyboard. Users can also record your own track for 30 seconds.
The drawing was created with a combination of Javascript, HTML 5 canvas, CSS, Flash, and tools such as fonts and Google App Engine API Google engineers Kristopher Hom and Joey Hurst Germick and chief design team Ryan has helped create innovative design.

Lily Allen

Lily Allen
British singer Lily Allen, 26, is a married woman. The pop star was wearing a helmet, heeled lace evening open platform and a traditional white dress by French designer Delphine Manivet and they exchanged promises Saturday with long, beautiful Sat Cooper

The ceremony took place in the English countryside, an old church in the picturesque village of Cranham Gloucestershire, where a jubilant crowd gathered to see the newlyweds as they left the house of worship. Fans have been warned Wedding Singer where a customer places a leak Save-the-date for the press in March.

About 100 guests attended the wedding, with 300 friends and relatives attended a private reception on the basis of the candidate in a row is a Grammy Cranham.

The bride's father, musician and actor Keith Allen, walked down the aisle, according to

The happy couple began dating in 2009, Cooper committed when she applies on Christmas Day 2010 while on holiday in Bali with Allen.

The life of the dam Heartbreak Allen during the last two years, and suffered two miscarriages, the most recent in November 2010. Allen described Cooper, 32, as "the love of my life.

Ethan Allen

Ethan Allen
State authorities announced Friday that the Ethan Allen Express passengers in March.

Amtrak line connecting New York and Rutland, Vermont Transportation Agency said North Albany Travel has increased sharply last month.

May 2011 traffic increased 24.5 percent compared to May 2010, according to the state, while revenue rose 25 percent during the same period. The number of passengers on the line south of Albany has increased by 9.1 percent, whose incomes rose 12.1 percent.

Vermont subsidizes the line through a contract with Amtrak, and the grant is reduced relative to turnover.

Full Tilt Poker

Full Tilt Poker
Phil Ivey is in the news and this time it is considered the best poker, but because he has filed a lawsuit against the Full Tilt Poker. Ivey decided to take a stand against the Full Tilt Poker is visiting the WSOP this year, also appealed to Full Tilt Poker. professional poker players have a mixed reaction to this turn of events. Daniel Negreanu, a young poker pro who won a great name and said he admires Phil Ivey, and even gave before the WSOP. He said that the test response Ivey Full Tilt Poker was a bad show and not put so much effort to return the payments.

Some players are even against Phil Ivey is the fact that he is in favor of themselves, all these statements, since this is the first capital of Full Tilt Poker and get more wins to Full Tilt Poker. Andrew Robl have talked openly Ivey, Phil Ivey and his true intentions. Tom Dwan, who is not even part of the site returned to the players a little bit "of money on their own, and Phil Ivey has done nothing to respond. Denouncing the Full Tilt Poker, Phil Ivey is just to delay process Refunds may come.
Phil Ivey is considered a legend in professional poker and his views could be enjoyed by many, but players have to see how he plays, but not blindly follow him in every way. In such a situation, the search for the most people and businesses to promote.

Full Tilt Poker already has enough to handle, and a second process does not change the equation. Overall, only people who suffer such a dramatic change is the players who were more addicted to this site and other sites.

The U.S. government should also take into account that most players do not play badly, they deem as entertainment and an invasion of privacy, if they are able to use this form of entertainment in your home.

Earth Day

Earth Day
In April, people celebrated in the United States and the world of natural beauty, rivers and mountains and wildlife. The original Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson was born, a former U.S. senator from Wisconsin After seeing the devastation of a massive 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. During this period, to protest against social injustice and war together around one million of the first Earth Day USA to demand change. Rivers of fire, crossing the mountains and species are disappearing, and several outraged citizens gathered around the country and asked for change. This public demonstration of love for nature has led to the creation of the Agency for Environmental Protection and the flow of "clean air, clean water and endangered species laws.
Forty years later, the rivers are clean, have millions of hectares have been created national parks and nature reserves, and all air quality has improved. But what about the other 71%? Over half of our oxygen comes from the sea of ​​millions of fish and the beauty and complexity of marine life to leave you speechless. But now, years after the destruction of the oil spill in the Gulf of BP in 90% of important species of sharks have been settled, and overfishing for their fins. Whales and seals have been hunted and hunted for a genetic bottleneck back. Wolves of the Sea, the bluefin tuna caught in Vanishing Point. Even if a thousand other forms of abuse caused mother ocean, which is our outrage? 
After a week of celebration of the earth, it's time to celebrate our Ocean World Ocean Day. The day was unofficially celebrated every June 8, when the initial proposal in 1992 by Canada at the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Has been officially recognized by the UN in 2008. Since then, the WOD was coordinated internationally by the Ocean Project and participation and most successful global World Ocean Network each year. World Ocean Day is an opportunity each year to honor the seven seas, celebrate all marine life.

It is time to encourage change and let our leaders know that marine life and the value of ecosystem protection and they need our protection now. This summer, celebrate World Ocean Day and tell our representatives that we need a change of attitude. With our partners at The Ocean Project, the commissioners of the sea will coordinate a World Ocean Day Celebration at Crissy Field in San Francisco, June 11 celebration of marine life, especially sharks, and motivate people to protect the oceans and marine life we love.


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